Friday, July 30, 2010

Hard Work Does Pay Off

I have hardly had the time to even shut my eyes, yet alone update this thing. Once again, I started off the week without an ounce of sleep. I am almost to the point where I think I will be able to manage sleeping less once I get back to school. In my Communications class, we had Martin Webster, a BBC correspondent for South Today come in and speak. He talked about how dedicated journalists must be and how you really have to devote your life to the career. It was a little bit of a rude awakening when he informed us that you work pretty much 24/7 and that you are lucky to make about $30,000 starting off. At the same time, I’m not that surprised. As long as I am doing something I am passionate about, I will make due. He quoted Walter Cronkite by saying, “We live in an age of unprecedented opportunity.” This could not hold more truth, as I feel like even this experience has given me so many opportunities. Monday night Formal dinner was preceded by a man who spoke to us about the historical architecture of Oxford. It was Brady’s birthday, but I had to come home to cram for my midterm the next day. I was a little perturbed by the old drunk man that sat down next to me on the bus ride home. I quickly ran into the house and cracked open my books. Steph rolled in around 4:30 while I was still studying…I was jealous of the state of mind she was in. Tuesday, two hours and four essays later, I took what felt like, and very well could have been, my first nap of the trip. It was well deserved as I ended up getting an A-. Wednesday, I did a little bit of shopping and walked around. It was actually nice to have some time to myself and be able to clear my head a bit. That night, I continued my research for my history class. I sort of got off topic and began researching the main differences between Catholicism and Protestantism for my own sake. I’ve enjoyed learning a bit more about religion and have actually had a few conversations with Steph about it. That night, we made a detailed trip itinerary, including tube stops and all, and booked an awesome hotel in Kensington. Yesterday, I had my third tutorial session with Dr. Archer. He wasn’t quite as nice to us this time, but I was pleased that I got a B+ on my first paper. Last night, we found ourselves at the Purple Turtle, yet once again. I refuse to keep going to this grungy dungeon, but somehow always end up there.

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