Friday, July 16, 2010

Sleep Deprived

I started my second week here rather exhausted from the weekend. My lack of sleep is definitely starting to catch up with me. We had another formal dinner after a speaker came and talked about the mafia. It was pretty interesting and definitely something I really knew nothing about. After dinner we went out to a few pubs in town. Tuesday, a woman by the name of Susan Lewis came and spoke to my International Mass Communications class. She used to work for New South Publishing in Atlanta before moving to London. She was really inspiring and got me thinking about working for a magazine. She talked about the young interns at Vogue, referred to as “Voguettes,” and the differences between the U.S. and the U.K. How amazing would it be to intern or even work in London? Wednesday I spent most of the day in the Trinity Library—this work load is seriously insane. Thursday, I had somewhat of a minor meltdown. My lack of sleep and stress level had hit an all-time high. Steph was there for me with a care package in hand and a much needed back massage. I honestly don’t know what I would do without her. After another tutorial session with Dr. Archer, we all went out and relieved some stress at The Purple Turtle (possibly the grimiest club in Oxford, but nonetheless always a good time). Steph and I ended the night by sleeping on chairs in Trinity…oops. This morning I had a rather exhilarating bike ride back to the house. I'm about to pack my bags and head off to Scotland for the British Open.

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