Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last Formal Dinner

This week’s Formal Dinner was by far my favorite. After congregating on the quad outside for group photos and having a glass of champagne, we made our way into the dining hall for one last Formal Dinner. It was different this week because I really felt like I had made friends with a lot of these people—and people that I didn’t necessarily think I would have made friends with. Dr. Trivedi gave a toast, we sang the fight song, and our wine glasses were continuously refilled. The experience of these Monday night dinners is one truly unique to itself. Afterwards, we went downstairs to the Trinity Pub for a beer. Steph and I talked with her Terry professor for awhile about our career paths. It really is something else to be able to talk to our professors like normal people outside of the classroom. I have really enjoy talking to them. We made our way over to the Kings Arms where Dr. Archer got “iced,” among other things. We came back to the UGA house and I stayed up for a little while hanging out with people. My only regret is that I have not allowed myself to go out every Monday night. . If I had less work or wasn’t travelling every weekend, I would have loved going out more in Oxford with these people. I can hardly believe we leave on Friday. I have no idea where six weeks have gone, nor am I prepared to leave one bit. I do think a sense of relief will strike me once I get on that airplane. I still have a paper and a final Thursday before I can tackle packing. I hope to make the most out of these last few days here!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like an amazing time with awesome people....makes me want to go abroad! living vicariously through your blog..... :)
